Contact Us:

670 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn,
NY 11216

+1 800 966 4564
+1 800 9667 4558

Annual Educational Events

Once every year we organize Annual Garden City Spelling Bee and Mental Maths Competitions for primary school pupils to encourage and enhance them educationally.

Spelling Bee Competition
Garden City Amusement Park Spelling Bee Competition is an annual educational event for primary schools and individual kids with the focus of promoting education and encouraging pupils to study more knowing hat they are the future. Prizes and awards are won by the best performed schools and individual pupils.
Mental Maths Competition
Mental Maths competition is organised by Garden City Amusement Park for science students in primary and secondary schools to enhance science education and encourage students in the area of science and technology which is the future of the world.
Beauty & Brain Pageant
The Beauty and Brain Competition is organised for primary and secondary schools students for fun and education. Prizes and awards are won by the best performed schools and individual pupils.